Every cowboy has a few fields at their own Ranch. Using it, you can grow some useful plants from seeds for various needs. Some seeds can be grown from the very beginning. Others require a Garden bed of a higher level.1


blobid0.png T1 Corn seeds You can plant it in the garden bed.
wls2_consumable_farm_wheat_seeds_icon.png T2 Wheat seeds Wheat is one of the basic crops. Chickens love it.
wls_seeds_of_oats.png T3 Oats seeds You can plant it in the garden bed. Your horse will be grateful.
blobid5.png T3 Beans Edible raw but much more effective when planted in the garden bed.
wls2_consumable_farm_cabbage_seeds_icon.png T4 Cabbage seeds Succulent cabbage leaves can be the perfect addition to any table.
blobid3.png T5 Pumpkin seeds It might grow into a nutritious pumpkin if you plant it
wls2_farm_fiber_t1_seeds_icon.png T1 Nettle Seeds You can grow a plant in a field and collect fiber.
blobid2.png T2 Jute seed Plant these seeds to grow jute in the garden and collect fiber
blobid6.png T3 Linen seed Plant these seeds to grow linen in the garden and collect fiber.
blobid4.png T4 Cotton seed Plant these seeds to grow cotton in the garden and collect fiber.
blobid7.png T5 Hemp seed Plant these seeds to grow hemp in the garden and collect fiber


blobid8.png T1 Fiber Extracted from plants.
blobid9.png T2 Jute Used to produce rough but durable cloth and ropes
blobid10.png T3 Cotton Common fiber used to produce fine cloth and rope
blobid11.png T4 Linen Quality fiber used to produce refined cloth and ropes
blobid13.png T5 Hemp The Best quality hemp fiber used to produce cloth and ropes