Achievements Achievements


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Achievements are a kind of medal for your daring deeds, like taking down the bandits in the Bandit camp or helping fix that Steamboat, etc. Achievements system tracks and rewards your ongoing achievements, proving once and for all who the top cowboy in town really is! 

Types of Achievements

All achievements are categorized based on the type of cowboy activity. There are several categories of achievements in the game:

  • Combat
  • Gathering
  • Buildings & Crafting
  • Blueprints learning
  • Items
  • Traveling
  • Tournaments
  • Events
  • Storyline
  • Wild West Fun

All in all, there are nearly 80 types of achievements in the game! The majority of achievements are available at three different levels of challenge: Bronze, Silver, and Gold. And when you reach the maximum level for all achievements in a group, you'll earn an exceptional Platinum achievement! 

You can explore the achievements, their names, and conditions for them in the Encyclopedia. However, there's an air of mystery surrounding a few achievements. Who knows what you have to do to unlock them?


In the Encyclopedia, you can also manage which achievements you want to display by your nickname everywhere the other players see it – the chat, on the leaderboards, in Alliance’s interfaces, in Silverton, and other settlements.

Depending on the level of your Encyclopedia, you can show up to 5 of your most impressive achievements.